quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

Shakespeare – Crown of the Elizabethan Theatre

The Chandos portrait, artist and authenticity unconfirmed. National Portrait Gallery, London.

            The era of Renaissance is one of the most influential and spectacular era in the history of art and literature, which produced wonderful writers, poets, philosophers, scholars, scientists and theorists, who led the world towards the path of constant and continuous transition in the form of unabated progress and development in the fields of philosophy, art, literature, science, technology, biology, physics and others, and determined new ways of creativity, thoughtfulness and intellect for the people.  The Elizabethan Theatre was also developed during this era.  The evolution of the Elizabethan Theatre started with the development of the very first theatre and amphitheatres.   The Elizabethan men who had the ideas and the money were the ones who created these theatres.  Until the medieval drama grew strong, medieval drama was confined to the interior walls of the church (Theatre History.com).  But once it grew strong and started gaining fame, the medieval drama lasted for very long with religious intent.
            All the playwrights and authors belonging to the Shakespeare’s time were extremely revolutionary.  Incidentally, that was the era of Renaissance.  The era maintains unique style and form of art and literature in diction and material.  However, this era was made extremely interesting as the works of Shakespeare dominated the works of his peers in a number of ways. The fundamental attractions of his plays used to be suspense and climax.  His effort was amazing as it was not of the customary for the time of his existence.  The characters portrayed in all of his plays are very sure and comprehensive.  This was not the case with other playwrights of his time.  With the confidence of complete mastery he causes men and women to live for us, an enormous representative crowd, in all the real array of age and station, flawlessly realized in all the delicate diversities and contradictions of inconsistent human nature.
            The history of the Elizabethan Theatre is a short and tumultuous one.  The victory and recognition shown by Elizabethan theatre during William Shakespeare’s time is an exceptional success story for the theatrical businessmen of that time.  Shakespeare dominated the stage during the era of Elizabethan Theatre as one of the greatest playwrights of the English Literature.  The domination of Shakespeare as the king of Elizabethan era was due to certain interesting aspects like comprehensiveness, construction of the plot of the story, and the characterization which lacked in other works of his contemporaries.
            The three main categories of Shakespeare’s works are Comedy, Tragedy, and Historic plays.  Both comedies and tragedies of Shakespeare are more common than having much of dissimilarity.  The commonality of these categories of Shakespeare’s works lies in the recognition that comes from the fact of all of them having been written by the same genius writer whose specialty lies in excellent characterization and plot construction.  Especially, the tragic works of Shakespeare are an all-time favorite for a majority of Literature lovers.  Shakespeare started writing tragedies because of the reason that he felt that the various other tragic plots that were being used by other English writers of his time lacked artistic rationale and structure.  The main focus of all his tragedies was the fall of a prominent person of his story.  Anybody with just very little knowledge about the writings of Shakespeare would be familiar with one of the tragedies as a Shakespearean work (Gandhi).
            The fourth category of Shakespearean plays is Romances.  A few of them are The Tempest, Cymbeline, and The Two Noble Kinsmen etc.  Romeo and Juliet, despite being a love story does not fall into this category as it has become popular as a Tragedy.

Gandhi, A. E. (n.d.). Shakespeare's Tragedies. Retrieved June 02, 2009, from http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/Schools/Springfield/Eliz/shaktragedies.html

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